ODC - Operational Data Collection

ODC stands for the collection and evaluation of production data. Integrated reporting and analysis tools can be used for individual evaluations. Actual and target values can be automatically reported back to an existing ERP system.

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Transparent production and current order progress

Even without a direct machine connection, employees can document processes from the ongoing production process. This ensures continuous transparency through seamless recording of the entire value-added process from the start of the order to the end of the order. Order changes, faults and maintenance can be identified in real time and appropriate measures can be taken. All data is available online. They can therefore be viewed anywhere and anytime, while on the go and even from the home office.

The bidirectional data exchange based on flexible interfaces enables timely recalculations based on order and experience values from the ODC. This results in realistic target times and enables corrections when planning future orders.

Your benefits:

Mobile and stationary recording — multi-device capable

GDPR compliance

Easy integration into existing system landscape

Target and actual comparison

Comprehensive individual reporting

Bidirectional connection to numerous PPS/ERP and HR systems

Access from home office

More flexibility and productivity for your business

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