PZBDE WebClient 3.0

PZBDE WebClient 3.0: mobile recording and visualization of working time and order bookings via browser. Using numerous browsers such as Chrome and Firefox, users can also access a wide range of personal information, such as their flexitime status. He can view his vacation statistics and has an overview of his absences.

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PZBDE WebClient 3.0 mobile capture

With the optional PZBDE module “PZE-Worflow”, the respective WebClient user is able to request their desired absences (vacation, seminars, time compensation, etc.). The optimized application workflow enables authorized users to quickly and easily create the appropriate applications and process them retrospectively. The processing status by the supervisor can also be viewed at any time.

The responsive design of the WebClient allows you to work completely independently of the device used (PC/tablet/smartphone). WebClient 3.0 offers a high degree of flexibility. The module can be individually adapted to your requirements and processes. You can make changes yourself, such as permissions or settings for visualizations, at short notice.

Your benefits:

Terminal mode: Using the WebClient like a terminal

Customizable ad settings

Appealing visualization of bookings

BDE: User-supporting booking feedback

Adjustable user permissions

More flexibility and productivity for your business

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