KPI — Key Performance Indicator

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) includes the calculation and presentation of all relevant key figures. Whether on large-scale dashboards in production, at work or on the go via tablet and smartphone, information about current production or history is always available to you.

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Dashboards and web reports for your key figures at a glance, at work or on the go

With the key figure, report and web evaluation generators integrated in KPI, you can create your own evaluations according to your own ideas, or simply use the proven standard evaluations. Whether OEE, average speeds, shift and daily performance, downtime distributions, availabilities, QA figures, or target/actual comparisons, even non-MES data from other systems, such as ERP, can be included, evaluated and presented. KPI is highly flexible and offers GBO customers comprehensive key performance indicator reporting even with standard evaluations and presentations. On request, reports can be actively sent to people or groups.

Your benefits:

Key figure generator for individual KPI calculation formulas

Report generators for implementing customer-specific reporting

Web evaluation generator for informative dashboards and web ads

Current machine status available and analysable anywhere

Orders and their progress are always and everywhere up to date

More flexibility and productivity for your business

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