Manufacturing Execution System

gboMES (Manufacturing Execution System) combines your operating and machine data from the areas of production, maintenance, quality, personnel and management into a consistent system.

Mehr als 900 Kunden mit mehr als 14.500 User in vielen Ländern profitieren von gboMES

Was ist ein MES genau?

Prozessnah operierende System

Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Daten

Unterhalb ERP-Lösungen

Vorteile eines MES?

Erhöhte Produktivität und Effizienz

Verbesserte Produktqualität

Optimierte Prozesskontrolle

Reduzierte Betriebskosten

Produktionsebene (Produktionsdaten)
Prozess- und Steuerungsebene

gboMES – Plattform Werk 

Übersicht der Elemente  von Gbo Mes
gboMES gboMES
OPC UA OPC DA VirtCont 4.0

Content of gboMES


MDA stands for seamless flow of information between machines, systems and lines as well as machine operators, foremen and management. It promotes effective communication and coordination between all parties involved.

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ODC refers to the collection and analysis of production information. With specialized reporting and analysis tools, tailor-made analyses can be carried out. In addition, current data and objectives can be automatically entered into existing ERP systems.

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KPIs include identifying and visualizing key performance indicators. They are available via large dashboards in manufacturing, directly at work, or on a tablet and smartphone on the go, so that information about ongoing production or past performance is always at hand.

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PCC is a visual production control center that supports the planning of machines, systems, workstations and other relevant units in your production. Optimization tailored to your needs ensures maximum utilization.

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TRA refers to the tracking and tracing of materials before and after each production step. It includes the administration and tracking of transport units, the handling of serial and batch numbers, and the automatic allocation of process and quality-relevant data.

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TM, the tool management system, stands for efficient planning and optimized maintenance as well as preventive servicing of all tools and resources in production. It ensures the longevity and performance of production equipment and supports a sustainable production environment.

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In quality management, QM is crucial for managing quality-relevant production data. It provides fundamental data from test plans and serves as an active link to meet quality requirements between personnel, machines, systems and tools.

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PDA monitors process data such as pressure, temperature, and energy consumption to ensure transparency. It enables immediate adjustments in the production process in the event of deviations or tolerances being exceeded in order to avoid waste and failures.

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Web dashboard

The web dashboard provides a clear overview of key machine and operating data through pre-summarized key figures, always up to date. Employees can access important information such as key figures, KPIs and fault reports from production via the web, regardless of time and place.

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EMG follows the ISO 50 001 standard, which aims to continuously improve energy efficiency in organizations. Effective planning of operating times for machines and systems helps to avoid high costs due to peak energy consumption loads.

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T&A, the platform for time recording, makes it easy to record, process and visualize employee attendance and absence times. It supports efficient personnel planning and administration through transparent time data.

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PZBDE simplifies the recording, processing and presentation of employee attendances and absences. This data is integrated directly into payslips and supports the calculation of process costs and service prices.

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PZBDE WebClient 3.0

PZBDE WebClient 3.0 enables the mobile recording and display of working times and orders in the browser. Users can access personal information, including flexitime, vacation statistics and absence overview, in popular browsers such as Chrome and Firefox.

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Key features of gboMES


gboMES ermöglicht einen aktuellen Rundumblick auf die Fertigung und bildet die an der Produktion beteiligten Ressourcen sowie die übergreifenden Prozesse nahtlos ab.


gboMES integriert sich nahtlos in bestehende IT-Landschaften und dient als Bindeglied zwischen der Fertigungs- (Shopfloor) und der Managementebene (z.B. ERP-System).


Modernste Schnittstellen zu Maschinen und Anlagen, wie auch ERP und HR-Tools, sorgen für eine nahtlose Durchgängigkeit der Daten. gboMES befindet sich sowohl im Mittelstand wie auch in internationalen Konzernen im Einsatz.

Industrie 4.0

Mit den Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten im Rahmen des integrierten Dashboards und Webauswertungs-Generators können Sie flexibel auf Produktionsveränderungen reagieren, auch aus dem Homeoffice.

transparent manufacturing

With the visualization options as part of the integrated dashboard and web evaluation generator, you can react flexibly to production changes.

On needs
individually adaptable

Through industry-specific default settings, gboMES can be individually configured and tailored to all company-specific requirements.

Increasing competitiveness

Thanks to Smart Factory and Industry 4.0, which can be implemented with the help of gboMES, you will noticeably increase your competitiveness and position yourself flexibly.

higher productivity

gboMES helps to optimize production plans and can help increase productivity through numerous automation processes.

More flexibility and productivity for your business

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