TRA — Tracking & Tracing

TRA stands for tracking & tracing of incoming and outgoing material before and after each individual production step. This includes the administration, tracking and identification of transport units, the handling of serial and batch numbers, and the automatic allocation of process and quality-relevant information.

Mehr als 900 Kunden mit mehr als 14.500 User in vielen Ländern profitieren von gboMES
Complete production logistics — automated quality management — secure documentation

Additional data such as recipes, setting parameters and other documents are also taken into account. Automation, particularly when MES is directly linked to machine control systems, excludes operating errors. This sustainably increases safety and documents quality standards. Customers' requirements for traceability from incoming warehouse through the entire manufacturing process to the production warehouse and back can therefore be met. Transport orders for internal logistics can be mapped. In combination with the PCC (Production Control Center) module, material ranges, best-before dates (best before date) and many other additional information form the basis for optimized production planning, which accesses all production information online.

Your benefits:

Complete material tracking across all production steps

Recording of serial numbers and their administration

Transport container and production warehouse management

Online plausibility checks

Immediate information to relevant persons in the event of discrepancies

Reduction of waiting times at systems

Integration of logistics data into the MES solution

More flexibility and productivity for your business

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